Team Up to Clean Up
Have you ever driven down a littered Winnipeg street and thought:
"Someone should do something about this!"
You can be that someone!
It's easy to organize a litter cleanup with your coworkers, community group, neighbourhood association, school, or just your friends and family.
Tag us on social media @takepridewpg so we can re-post your events!
If you're interested in hosting a larger group cleanup, we suggest making an event post on Facebook, NextDoor, or other social media and community pages to start getting the word out.
Once you've chosen your cleanup date, reach out to Carrie: to request your free cleanup supplies. If you'd like us to cross-post your event as well, let us know!
Please provide *at least* one week's notice in advance of your cleanup so that we can ensure we have supplies for you.
Litter cleanup FAQ
1. What do I do with the litter I've collected?
Volunteer groups are required to dispose of the litter they collect. If your group is very ambitious, and you plan to collect bulky items, you may contact the City in advance for a waiver of your tipping fees to drop those items at Brady Landfill. Contact 311 ahead of time to make these arrangements.
Otherwise, we suggest utilizing a commercial bin. It's a good idea to ask permission, so head into the store and ask at the customer service desk. Not only will this ensure a smooth disposal process, but it also brings attention to the work that your group has done in the community.
2. When do litter cleanups start?
As soon as the snow melts!
3. Where should we clean up?
Most corporate groups choose to clean up the area surrounding their workplace, and most neighbourhood groups clean their own immediate streets/parks etc... as well. If your group needs some direction, please reach out to us and we can assist.
Do you need help choosing a location? We conduct an exhaustive litter index every spring, so we can definitely point you in the direction of any areas that need a little extra TLC.
4. What if I find needles?
Previously, we had encouraged all groups to pick up sharps disposal containers from local pharmacies, or Street Connections. That's still the best option, however with the prevalence of needles discarded throughout the city, supply for sharps containers outstrips demand. You can create a home-made solution with a sealable, hard plastic or glass container.
2L soda bottles
Household cleaner bottles
Mouthwash bottles
Tall peanut butter jars
Tall pickle jars
We suggest having a pair of BBQ tongs along as well to pick up the sharps with, and you might consider having one designated person with a sturdy set of work gloves who takes care of picking them up as well.
When your cleanup is done, seal your container tightly and dispose of it with the rest of your litter.
Cleaning up sharps and hazardous materials is not mandatory! If your volunteers are not comfortable disposing of any items, you can report their location to 311 instead.
General tips:
Be super mindful of traffic when cleaning main thoroughfares, especially boulevards. Wear bright clothing and be sure to conclude before dusk if your cleanup area as a lot of traffic.
Riverbanks are mucky and slippery in the spring, and fast-moving water can pose a risk. We suggest only adults participate in riverbank cleanups, and always work in pairs.
Volunteer groups should not attempt to clean encampment locations. If you see what you suspect is an abandoned camp, report this to 311.
Graffiti tags can be reported to 311.
Social media:
We love to see the results of your hard work! Please use the following hashtags on social media when you post!
Be sure to register even if you don't need bags or supplies--we want to know how many people are cleaning up this spring!
Take Pride Winnipeg!'s annual cleanup campaign, Team Up to Clean Up, involves tens of thousands of school children, community groups, businesses, civic employees and individual volunteers. Participants pick up litter using litter bags supplied by Take Pride Winnipeg!
The effects of the litter cleanup campaigns are far-reaching. Schools, community organizations, individuals, business improvement zones, local businesses and City departments all participate to keep the city clean. In addition to these cleanup campaigns, there are some groups who request litter bags on a year-round basis from Take Pride Winnipeg! If your community group is involved with a number of cleanups throughout the year and you are in need of litter bags, please email with your cleanup details.
Results of our spring litter index are available to all media outlets. To request a copy, or schedule an interview with our Executive Director, please contact Tom Ethans: 204 792 5464 or
We would like to thank the following companies and organizations for helping to make this program such a success:
Major Sponsors: City of Winnipeg and Province of Manitoba