Bored kids at home? Check out our recycled art contest!
Take Pride Winnipeg Recycled Art Contest
With students going to be at home for the next few weeks, Take Pride Winnipeg would like to start a contest for elementary students to make an animal from recycled materials that go into your Blue Box.
Use your imaginations. It can be
- An animal, like a lion, or a fish
- An extinct animal, like a dinosaur, or pterodactyl
- Or even an imaginary animal, like a unicorn, or a dragon!
When you have finished making your animal, take a picture or video and send it to along with your name, school, and grade. Please have your parents sign the email so that we have their consent.
The contest runs from March 30 to April 30. Winners will be selected in May. There are four categories:
K – grade 3 Winnipeg schools
K – grade 3 Rural Manitoba schools
Grades 4 -6 Winnipeg schools
Grades 4 – 6 Rural Manitoba schools
There will be some great prizes awarded to the winning entries, including such things as free tickets to the Assiniboine Park Zoo, free tickets to a Winnipeg Goldeyes baseball game, lunch at a fun restaurant and even a one night’s stay at Canad Inns Polo Park. These prizes will be given when things return to normal.
Please use as much as you can from your blue bin, and make sure that your artwork is cleaned first. The team from Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM), who manage the residential recycling program for Manitoba and the team at the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) and their Recycle Everywhere program are very excited to see your finished art pieces.
We’d love everyone to learn what they can recycle at home and in public spaces, but also how to recycle properly, so we don’t contaminate the recycling bins. Let’s work together to make a difference and help Manitoba be the best recyclers in the country.
Tom Ethans
Executive Director