It's as Easy as 1-2-3!
Take Pride Winnipeg! and Recycle Everywhere are partnering to bring a new program and contest to all Manitoba students.
Easy as 1-2-3, presented by Recycle Everywhere, consists of three steps: pick up at least three pieces of litter every day; record and classify the litter; dispose of the litter properly by putting it in either a recycling bin or the garbage.
“This program is exactly what it is named—Easy as 1-2-3,” says
Classroom prizes will be awarded, and two students (one within Winnipeg, one outside Winnipeg) will have the opportunity to win airfare, hotel and tickets for a four-day stay at Walt Disney World. See full details here or call 204-956-7590. Teachers may sign up their entire class, or students may register individually. The benefits of this new program are two-fold; students will be helping to keep Manitoba streets clean and learn about the importance of recycling at the same time.
“Recycle Everywhere is proud to support Take Pride Winnipeg! and the Easy as 1-2-3 program. This contest will help reinforce the importance of recycling every empty can, bottle, juice box or carton and will let students have fun while doing it. We recognize the importance of recycling in Manitoba schools and we will continue to support initiatives such as this that get across our message in a fun and effective way,” says Christa Rust, program manager, Recycle Everywhere.
Take Pride Winnipeg! wishes to thank its title sponsor, Recycle Everywhere, as well as Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Foundation, North West Company, Tim Hortons, Winnipeg Airports Authority and BFI Canada for all their support.