Winnipeg, it’s time to Team Up to Clean Up and #CleanCanadaTogether.
Today, Take Pride Winnipeg! released the results of its annual Litter Index. It is rated 1 to 4, with a score of 1 representing no litter, and a score of 4 representing extremely littered. The city of Winnipeg was divided into 12 areas and streets in each area were rated. The average score for Winnipeg as a whole was 2.17 in April 2018 (to compare, April 2017 scored 2.33).
“We ask all Winnipeggers to do their part in cleaning up our streets and parks,” said executive director Tom Ethans. “Together, we can reduce litter.”
Tim Hortons Team Up to Clean Up campaign aims to beautify the community through the efforts of thousands of volunteers picking up litter in their neighbourhoods. Take Pride Winnipeg! will provide free garbage bags to any community group, family, business or school who wishes to join the team.
Cities across Canada are joining forces again this year to #CleanCanadaTogether. Cleanups can be fun and great way to meet like-minded people! It's also an opportunity to exercise, get outdoors and contribute to healthy living.
For more details on events and to register, please visit the Team Up to Clean Up page. Registered cleanup participants will be entered for prize draws as well.
The litter index results:
Area 1: Northwest Average Score: 2.62
Worst Streets: Oak Point Highway/Brookside Boulevard, Perimeter Highway, Jefferson Street (McPhillips to Mandalay), Selkirk Avenue (Shaughnessy to Keewatin)
Area 2: North/Central Average Score: 2.32
Worst Streets: Perimeter Highway (McPhillips to Main), King Street (Dufferin to Selkirk), Dufferin Street (Salter to King)
Area 3: Northeast Average Score: 2.16
Worst Streets: Chief Peguis Trail (Main to Henderson), Perimeter Highway (Henderson to Lagimodiere), Lagimodiere Boulevard
Area 4: Transcona Average Score: 2.16
Worst Streets: Reenders Drive, Lagimodiere Boulevard (Regent to Grassie)
Area 5: West Average Score: 1.96
Worst Streets: Sturgeon Road (Canada Way to Ness), Perimeter Highway (Portage to Canada Way)
Area 6: West End Average Score: 2.26
Worst Streets: Sherbrook Street (Portage to Cumberland), Cumberland Avenue (Sherbrook to Balmoral), Omand’s Creek, St. James Street at St. Matthews Avenue
Area 7: Downtown Average Score: 1.95
Worst Streets: Bannatyne Avenue (Sherbrook to Princess), Ellice Avenue (Notre Dame to Colony)
Area 8: St. Boniface Average Score: 1.82
Worst Streets: St. Anne’s Road (near Fermor)
Area 9: St. Vital/Southeast Average Score: 2.31
Worst Streets: Perimeter Highway (St. Anne’s to St. Mary’s), Bishop Grandin Boulevard (River to Dakota)
Area 10: Southwest Average Score: 2.01
Worst Streets: Perimeter Highway (Wilkes to Roblin)
Area 11: Fort Rouge/ Fort Garry/Lindenwoods/Waverley Heights Average Score: 2.05
Worst Streets: Kenaston Boulevard (McGillivray to Sterling Lyon)
Area 12: South Fort Garry to St. Norbert Average Score: 2.45
Worst Streets: Kenaston Boulevard (Perimeter to Bishop Grandin), Perimeter Highway (Pembina to Kenaston), Waverley Street (Tim Sale to Bison)